Privacy Statement

SpecDecoder Privacy, Data & Cookie Policy(Updated on: 10-01-2024):


The various policies get updated along with the website registered country’s online web policy and regulation. We strictly follow the perspective country’s online cyber policies & regulations given by the perspective authority & can’t be modified/changed/unfollowed.

Privacy Policy: User’s privacy is the most important factor in SpecDecoder. We collect very few amounts of personal data so that the platform can give you an user-friendly experience.

The personal data is not needed to be submitted into SpecDecoder for browsing or, surfing. Furthermore, we request you not to disclose any direct contact information such as phone number, fax number, email, or home address when posting something or taking part in the comment section or reviews. Make sure not to include the GEO-Tags in photos (if shared on the website).

Types of data collection when :

  1. You create an account in SpecDecoder by entering an email, password and userID. SpecDecoder have the access to see into your accounts inside the database but can not modify or utilize the information for any commercial purposes such as promotional activities or advertisements without user’s consent. A variety of notifications related to service can be sent but also those services can be canceled by deactivating perspective notifications from the account settings.
  2. When you’ll interact with this website from your account such as comment/review, it’ll be saved on the website or, for a certain period of time, if you ever decide to delete the account, then these comments will be in the anonymous category but still will be visible to other users & may appear in the search engines(i.e.: Google, Yahoo, DuckDuckGo, Yandex, Bing and similar).
  3. Also, when you’ll modify any account information it’ll be replaced with the latest one & SpecDecoder database will get updated accordingly.

Information obtained automatically: Sometimes, few types of data may be collected automatically without the user’s permission. We only use these data to strengthen the platform or increase the quality of a better user experience and nothing else. These can be various such as device ID, IP address, OS type, Device type, times of surfing, interactions while browsing, dates & times, accessibilities, etc. We DO NOT provide any private information/any sort of data to any third-party platform or company except than SpecDecoder.

Cookies & related tech: Under the European Union Legislation, SpecDecoder will ask about your consent for cookies or similar features to browse when needed. Cookies are stored usually to give you the best experience of the platform while dealing with the website multiple times. It helps you resume your browse from the last visit. If you don’t want your cookies to get stored then you simply can turn it off from the website settings or device’s browser settings.

Third Parties: Search engine features such as Google Analytics monitors how visitors interact with the website and helps to improve the platform performances. It gives a brief idea about the user behavior and helps us with the process to reach more people. Google Analytics works anonymously & stores no personal/private data or information. We always suggest you read the privacy & security policy before you visit any third-party websites or platforms before start browsing or interacting on the perspective platform.

The backlinks or pathways which lead to other web portals or sites are very possible for a public website. We (SpecDecoder authority) are not responsible for perspective third party’s privacy and user data management policy.

Public Information: If you post/comments/reviews on any contents on the SpecDecoder website, your User ID & interactions (posts/comments/reviews) will be seen by the public & can be searched using search engines. If you make any public content, also will be visible to uncategorized new or old visitors. Your customized lists/posts/comments may stay visible/stored in the database even if you delete your user account from the website, but in that case, you’ll stop receiving all sorts of emails/notifications. And once you’ve deleted your account your access will be erased and can’t be changed/modified until special requisition(depends on SpecDecoder’s interest).

Children Policy: To use the SpecDecoder anonymously no personal information is needed to be submitted. To create an account in SpecDecoder, users must have to be equal or older than 16years. If the SpecDecoder Officials ever notices account/s of user/s under 16 years has been created or submitted then the account information will be deleted/removed from the database permanently without prior notices. Also, we request you to inform us immediately at, if you found such activities.

Data Security: All information or data are encrypted inside the SpecDecoder’s database & can not be modified/utilize/change/transfer without user/admin access. SpecDecoder follows the best technology for encryption the data. If any unlawful/unauthorized activities are found against any stored data, though they could be from SpecDecoder officials, will be brought under legal process & SpecDecoder reserves the right to take legal action against individual/group of individuals/company who are connected with cyber criminal activity not supported by the ICT Division & Online Regulatory Commission of Bangladesh.

If the SpecDecoder notices any security breaches/technical glitches then officials will notify you immediately regarding the issue & bound to fix the errors without any doubt at all.


We may only share very basic information with a very specific number of platforms to integrate any services or features in order to increase/improve your browsing ability/experiences.

Special cases:

  1. We may disclose your information with the law enforcement agencies/court/government's request for any sort of query.
  2. If SpecDecoder got sold/bankrupt/handover/portion of the platform gets obtained by or to another parties/individual/company legally then they/individuals/parties may get full access to the information stored in the database on that particular time period.

Your/user’s rights: Under the General Data Protection Regulation, you have rights to-

  1. Access/delete/modify your account or the personal information that has been provided to the website
  2. Receive your all information in structures & standard machine-readable format

Updating the Privacy Policy: We always update our privacy if any new rules or regulations are introduced by the country’s ICT Regulatory Board, and are bound to follow the rules under any circumstances. If any Data or Privacy policy get updated it’ll be found on the specific page inside the website.

Cookies Statement: Cookies usually get stores to improve your browsing experiences. Cookies may help you with (a. last page you’ve visited, b. search preferences or filters, c. comparison portals, and related features) According to the last update (May, 2018), a small message box will appear on the first visit to this website and ask your permission for allowing Cookie Feature. You can always delete the cookies from the browser’s settings.

Third-Party Ad servers: We may have third-party ad servers integrated to serve you ads of multiple items based on location/device/user type. These servers usually do not collect any sort of personal information, but sometimes depending on the location, content of the advertisement may changes. If you re-directed to the advertisement portal after clicking on the ad and provide any of your personal information to that specific ad servers/companies/websites or get into any campaign, SpecDecoder will not hold any responsibility for any sort of loss.

Do Not Track: Some browsers may have the ability to bypass channel or transmit “Do Not Track” requests. SpecDecoder does not process any response to those kinds of signals/requests. Rather, we follow the standards which are stated in the privacy statement.
